Special Offers

Tell a friend about us

Spread the word about us to your friends and get exclusive savings on your next cut or color appointment!

When you recommend our salon to a friend, both of you can enjoy the benefits of this offer

Just ask for an “Introduce a Friend” card at the desk during your next visit and start referring your friends to us

We can’t wait to see you again soon!


Download our mobile phone app!

With our mobile app you can make bookings any time, even when we are closed

you ca view & change appointments & see special offers or even get directions

Search for mysalonapp & download the app

Once you have downloaded it, then look up Theory for hair, that’s us!!!

The password is Theory

Then you can look at your schedule & book a day & time that’s just right for you



Red Balloon

Red balloon gift an experience company & if you’ve been gifted a card by a friend or from your work team

Theory for hair has a few different services & options on Red balloon, that can be just right for you or we can take the amount on your card & add it as a credit to your account at Theory for hair

if you’ve been gifted a voucher, log on to red balloon & use it with us @theoryforhair


ET Book

Entertainment Book

The Entertainment Book membership is a guide to the most popular attractions, shopping, travel and more, with offers

Often these books are memberships are sold as part of school fundraising & are great to support

We are in it! Let us know that you have it when booking your appointment & then present your voucher on the day to receive a great deal

The Entertainment Book also have a mobile App that you can download & use on your phone in store, enjoy!